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Fig. 1 | BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Fig. 1

From: Nutrition and diet myths, knowledge and practice during pregnancy and lactation among a sample of Egyptian pregnant women: a cross-sectional study

Fig. 1

Percentage distribution of females answering the knowledge statements correctly

1-Caffeine consumption provokes premature birth

2-Folic acid intake should begin before not only during pregnancy

3-Gestational diabetes increases future risk of type 2 diabetes

4-The mother requires an adequate increased energy intake during pregnancy and nursing

5-Obesity during pregnancy can cause hypertension and the risk of preeclampsia

6-A mother should consume approximately 3 L of water per day while nursing

7-A healthy diet and lifestyle during pregnancy prevent future diseases in a child

8-For successful breastfeeding, a baby must latch on to the nipple and use suction to feed

9-The fetus receives vitamins, proteins, and minerals from what the mother eats

10-During the first six months of life, breast milk is the only food a baby requires

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