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Table 5 Behaviours & Actions of staff that can have a memorable impact

From: Systematic review to understand and improve care after stillbirth: a review of parents’ and healthcare professionals’ experiences

Positive Behaviours & Actions

Negative Behaviours & Actions

Explanation of staff actions - especially in advance of & during ultrasound scanning

Use of euphemisms

Simple statements with intensifiers - such as ‘I’m so sorry’

Silence without explanation around diagnosis

Non-verbal expressions of sympathy - touch

Topic avoidance

Non-verbal reinforcement of diagnosis - such as

Negative body language - lack of eye contact, hesitation

showing the ultrasound screen to parents

Detached attitude from staff


Ritualization of guidelines


Hiding behind ‘doing’ jobs

Letting parents express themselves

Staff communicating without involving parents in discussions

Significant others presence for support

Reassurance they would have another baby

Staff expressing emotions

Understanding & empathic staff

Emotionally astute & instinctual staff




Individualising care

Acknowledging & supporting parental roles

Listening to parents

Simply spending time with parents

Supporting parents to grieve