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Table 1 Prenatal record committee type, size and composition

From: Decision-making and evidence use during the process of prenatal record review in Canada: a multiphase qualitative study


Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

Committee type and organizational affiliation

Ad hoc prenatal record working group convened and chaired by PH/RCP coordinator

Standing joint planning committee of the PH/RCP, co-chaired by physician and ministerial population health representative

Ad hoc committee of health ministry-appointed Maternal Perinatal Committee, coordinated by perinatal nurse-consultant and chaired by an obstetrician

Ad hoc prenatal record working group convened by PH/RCP, co-chaired by obstetrician and perinatal nurse consultant

Standing perinatal and maternal mortality committee of the provincial medical association, chaired by an obstetrician

Committee size

Large (10–15 members)

Large (10–15 members)

Small (5–10 members)

Small (5–10 members)

Small (5–10 members)

Membership composition

PH/RCP coordinator, GP representative from the provincial medical association, medical experts (e.g., GP, obstetrician, perinatalogist), nurse, midwife, electronic health record expert, data management specialist, experts in aboriginal health

PH/RCP coordinator, population health specialist, medical experts (GPs, obstetrician, pediatrician, reproductive care specialist), acute care nurse, community health nurse, dietician, consumer representatives data management specialist

Perinatal nurse-consultant, obstetrician, GP, midwife, community health nurse, representative from aboriginal women’s health program, medical officer of health

Obstetrician, perinatal nurse consultant, neonatalogist, GP, perinatal clinic nurse, acute care nurse

Obstetricians, GPs, pediatricians, neonatologists, representative from the provincial nurse’s association

  1. PH/RCP: provincial perinatal health/reproductive care program; GP: general practitioner; ObGyn: obstetrician/gynecologist.