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Table 2 Indications for invasive prenatal diagnosis in 34 pregnancies with uniparental disomy

From: Prenatal ultrasound findings and clinical outcomes of uniparental disomy: a retrospective study

Indications for invasive prenatal diagnosis

n (%)

Ultrasound abnormalities

21 (61.8)

Parental genetic disease


High risk result from maternal serum screening

2 (5.9)

Parental abnormal karyotype

2 (5.9)

Advanced maternal age

2 (5.9)

Previous adverse pregnancies

2 (5.9)

Rh-negative blood

2 (5.9)


34 (100)

  1. The cases were classified based on the most important indications for invasive prenatal diagnosis, and the order of importance is as follows: ultrasound abnormalities, high risk of maternal serum screening, parental abnormal karyotype, parental genetic disease, advanced maternal age, previous adverse pregnancies, and Rh-negative blood