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Table 2 Themes, sub-themes and selected quotes

From: Exploring women’s experiences of care during hospital childbirth in rural Tanzania: a qualitative study



Some selected quotes

1. Women’s experiences of communication with providers varied

a. Some women experienced good communication

“As I entered here, the nurse said she has communicated with the facility where I come from…that she knows about me. I was relieved that they were expecting me” (Facility2_ IDIM12)

b. Women received fragmented, unclear and one-way information

“When they told me that the placenta is coming before the baby ….I did not understand in deep as what may be the result of the situation…..” (Facility1_IDI_M11)

2. Respect and dignity during intrapartum care is not guaranteed

a. Some women were handled with respect

They liked me…I truly felt good because every time I had a problem, they attended to me.” (Facility2_IDI_M6)

b. Experiences of mistreatment were common

“As she examined me I felt pain. I started to complain. When I complained that nurse said, “The more you complain, the more you delay yourself, do you get me?” she was speaking with disrespect somehow.” (Facility2_IDI_M_9)

c. Women justified and normalized acts of mistreatment

“Providers work in a difficult environment with many deliveries, and we women behave differently; sometimes, they (providers) react and need to be to that. Also, everyone has their own nature; some people are polite, and others are not. You take them as they are.”. [Facility2_IDI_M3]

3. Women had varying experience of support during labour

a. Women appreciated being supported during labour

“So, they (providers) keep encouraging you to push; they tell you that if you delay, the baby will fail to breathe; in that way, a mother becomes motivated, fearing to lose a baby. [a little laugh]. So she will be trying her best.” (Facility1_ IDI_M1)

b. Providers’ responsiveness and empathy differed from one woman to another

“The male providers are always humble … If you complain, they say ‘pole’, they tell you to breathe, and you get relief a bit. It felt good to have such a person” (Facility1_IDI_M11)

c. Women’s perceptions and experiences with birth companionship varied

“I would feel happy and grateful if my mother-in-law was allowed to be with me during labour.”(Facility_2 IDI_M10)

“(laughter)… for labour process; it does not matter who is there with you… it is only you. Even if your father, mother, or brother came, they could not help; he looks at you….it is your struggle, eh!…” (Facility_2 IDI_M3)