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Table 2 Regression analysis for the effects of different closed-off measures on prenatal depression

From: Impact of closed-off management due to COVID-19 rebound on maternal depression during pregnancy


SDS scores

Depressive symptoms

mean ± SD

Unadjusted model

Adjusted model a

n (%)

Unadjusted model

Adjusted model a

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

OR (95% CI)

Closed-off measures


38.56 ± 8.54



26 (4.96)



 Partial lockdown

39.84 ± 9.12

1.28 (-0.13, 2.69)

0.92 (-0.49, 2.33)

20 (8.93)

1.88 (1.03, 3.44)

1.82 (0.97, 3.39)


42.48 ± 10.48

3.92 (2.20, 5.64)

3.51 (1.80, 5.21)

24 (18.18)

4.26 (2.35, 7.70)

4.00 (2.18, 7.35)

  1. Abbreviation: SD standard deviation. OR odds ratio. CI confidence interval
  2. a adjusted for age, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weeks and place of household registration