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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the study population (PREDO) and replication cohort (ITU)

From: Associations of polymetabolic risk of high maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index with pregnancy complications, birth outcomes, and early childhood neurodevelopment: findings from two pregnancy cohorts


PREDO (N = 425 mother–child dyads)

ITU (N = 489 mother–child dyads)


Mean (SD) or N (%)

Mean (SD) or N (%)


Maternal characteristics

 Maternal age, years

32.5 (5.3)

34.9 (4.7)

 < 0.0001



 < 0.0001

  Primary or secondary education

204 (49.0%)

78 (16.3%)


  University degree

212 (51.0%)

400 (83.7%)


  Data not available

9 (2.1%)

11 (2.3%)


 Maternal BMI, kg/m2

27.0 (6.5)

23.7 (3.9)

 < 0.0001

 Gestational diabetes during pregnancy


  No gestational diabetes

335 (78.8%)

392 (80.2%)


  Gestational diabetes

90 (21.2%)

97 (19.8%)


 Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy


 < 0.0001


271 (63.8%)

461 (94.3%)


  Gestational hypertension

39 (9.2%)

7 (1.4%)



43 (10.1%)

15 (3.1%)


  Chronic hypertension

72 (17.0%)

6 (1.2%)


 Gestational weight gain




57 (22.5%)

117 (24.1%)



77 (30.3%)

181 (37.2%)



119 (47.0%)

188 (38.7%)


  Data not available

172 (40.5%)

2 (0.4%)


Birth outcomes

 Child sex




228 (53.7%)

252 (51.5%)



197 (46.4%)

237 (48.5%)


 Delivery mode



  Vaginal delivery

324 (78.8%)

386 (78.0%)


  Caesarian section

87 (21.2%)

103 (21.1%)


  Data not available

14 (3.3%)


 Gestational age, weeks

39.5 (2.0)

40.0 (1.7)

 < 0.0001

  Term birth

394 (92.7%)

468 (95.7%)


  Preterm birth

31 (7.3%)

21 (4.3%)


 Birth weight, grams

3464.1 (610.6)

3505.6 (499.1)


 Admission to neonatal intensive care unit




346 (83.0%)

439 (89.8%)



71 (17.0%)

50 (10.2%)


  Data not available

8 (1.9%)



 Cognitive developmental delay (F80, F81, F83 or ≤  − 2 SD ASQ communication or problem-solving skills)a

36 (8.5%)

38 (7.8%)


 Motor developmental delay (F82 or ≤  − 2 SD ASQ fine or gross motor skills)a

26 (6.1%)

25 (5.1%)


 Social developmental delay (F84 or ≤  − 2 SD ASQ personal social skills)a

13 (3.1%)

17 (3.5%)


 Number of neurodevelopmental delay across the 3 broad areas



 No delay in any area

370 (88.5%)

424 (86.7%)


 Delay in any of the areas

29 (6.9%)

51 (10.4%)


 Delay in any 2 of the areas

15 (3.6%)

13 (2.7%)


 Delay in all three areas

4 (1.0%)

1 (0.2%)


 Mean age at neurodevelopmental delay assessment, years

9.9 (2.4)

4.7 (1.4)

 < 0.0001

 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development

  Receptive language development


39.3 (2.8)


  Data not available


140 (28.6%)


  Expressive language development


42.1 (3.7)


  Data not available


132 (27.0%)


  Fine motor development


50.8 (4.5)


  Data not available


135 (27.6%)


  Gross motor development


63.6 (2.6)


  Data not available


283 (57.9%)


  Cognitive development


76.6 (3.4)


  Data not available


104 (21.2%)


 Mean age at Bayley Scales assessment, years


3.0 (0.2)


  Data not available


98 (20.%)

  1. There is no missing data unless indicated otherwise