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Table 1 Contents of training sessions

From: The effect of sexual education on the postpartum women’s sexual self-confidence and self-efficacy: a theory-based intervention



Session 1: An introduction to the course, the definition of sexual health, and SSC

The instructor explained the changes the body undergoes during the postpartum period to return to its initial state and the strategies for coping with and adapting to these changes. She also presented a definition of body image and the potential effects of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period on it, breastfeeding and its impact on physiology, appearance, and body image, and its benefits and importance. In addition, she defined SSC and explained the factors that affect its development and elements. Finally, she asked the participants about sexual relationships and the emotions they experienced, their attitudes about themselves as a sexual being, their sexual behaviors, and their perception of SSC.

Session 2: Body image and sexual self-confidence

She defined sexual self-confidence and talked about the factors such as body image affecting it, strategies to promote sexual self-confidence through relaxation, and exercises such as yoga, meditation, mental imagery, and awareness rising. In addition, she explained nutrition disorders and suggested appropriate nutritional solutions and techniques to gain fitness after pregnancy.

Session 3: Postpartum psychological issues

The instructor explained negative emotions and feelings management regarding body image, sexual self-confidence, postpartum psychological issues, including depression and its prevalence, causes of psychological problems during this period and its aggravating factors, and how to cope with and improve them. Then, she asked about psychological issues individuals have faced regarding their body image and sexual self-confidence, their mindset about sexual attractiveness, and changes in their body perception now and before pregnancy. Finally, she explained strategies to enhance their mental and psychological well-being and increase their sexual self-confidence.

Session 4: Explaining the cycle of human sexual response, anxiety, and sexual intimacy

In this session, she talked about the sexual response cycle in women and men, the factors affecting it, and disorders in the stages of the sexual cycle, excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Moreover, she explained how to understand one’s mindset regarding sexual relationships, how to initiate sexual relationships, factors affecting the sexual response cycle, one’s emotions regarding self-perception in sexual relationships, the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on it, and the role of the sexual partner in sexual relationships. The other issues discussed in this session included factors affecting sexual anxiety and creating negative feelings towards sex and sexual relationships, sexual myths and misconceptions and their role in creating unrealistic expectations in spouses and sexual anxiety, the role of sexual intimacy and communication in reducing sexual anxiety, different types of sexual, emotional, and verbal intimacy and how to use them, communication skills and techniques to increase intimacy and sexual satisfaction among couples.

Session 5: SSC and responsive sexual behavior

She defined SSC and the factors influencing it, the relevant sexual dimensions, and the techniques to improve it. In addition, she presented an explanation about how to talk with a sexual partner, express sexual expectations and desires, and control abuse in sexual relationships. She elaborated on the concept of sexual assertiveness, how to refuse unwanted sexual activity and defend one’s rights. Finally, she provided information about contraception methods, choosing the best one, and techniques to care for the baby during a sexual relationship.

Session 6: Sexual self-exploration, commitment, and summary of the previous sessions

She defined sexual self-exploration and presented strategies for creating variety and creativity in sexual relationships, which play an essential role in sexual self-efficacy. Moreover, she talked about the impact of improving sexual self-efficacy and self-confidence on sexual, marital, and overall life satisfaction.