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Table 5 The relationship between khat chewing during pregnancy, potential mediators and fetal growth restriction of the study cohorts in eastern Ethiopia, 2022 (N = 320): A generalized structural equation modeling analysis

From: The effect of possible mediators on the association between chewing khat during pregnancy and fetal growth and newborn size at birth in Eastern Ethiopia



β*(95% CI)


Fetal growth restriction

Khat consumption effect on gestational hypertension

0.15 (0.06–0.24)



Gestational hypertension effect on FGR

0.09 (0.011–0.11)

< 0.05


Khat consumption effect on maternal anemia

0.19 (0.089–0.29)

< 0.001


Maternal anemia effect on FGR

0.105 (0.016–0.19)

< 0.05


Khat consumption effect on FGR before adjustment for gestational hypertension and maternal anemia

0.43 (0.35–0.52)

< 0.001


Khat consumption effect on FGR after adjustment for gestational hypertension and maternal anemia

0.32 (0.24–0.43)

< 0.001

  1. *=adjusted for maternal age, residence, education status, occupation status, alcohol use, tobacco smoke, ANC visits, MUAC, BMI, oligohydramnios, placental abruptio, true knots in umbilical cord