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Fig. 1 | BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Fig. 1

From: Preimplantation genetic testing in couples with balanced chromosome rearrangement: a four-year period real world retrospective cohort study

Fig. 1

Baseline information of included PGT cycles. Panel A: The number of PGT cycles on RecT, RobT, inversion, and complex-BCR. Panel B: The number of blastocysts in each included PGT cycles. Panel C: The numbers of blastocyst biopsied on day 5, day 6, and day 7. Panel D: The numbers of blastocysts with different morphological ratings. Panel E: The proportion of female age < 35 years old and female age ≥ 35 years old in RecT, RobT, inversion, and complex-BCR. RecT, reciprocal translocation; RobT, Robertsonian translocation; BCR, balanced chromosome rearrangement

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