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Table 1 Participants’ clinical characteristics

From: Metroplasty increases the take-home baby rate by reducing pregnancy loss without changing the chance of conception in women with septate uterus: a retrospective, single-center, observational study


Abdominal metroplasty (ABM)

Transcervical metroplasty (TCM)

p value$


n (%)

Median (range)

n (%)

Median (range)

n (%)

Median (range)

Total number of women (n)





Age (years)

Median (range)


32.5 (23–39)


33 (25–40)



33 (13–40)

35< (n, % total)

7 (41%)


3 (30%)



10 (37%)


≤ 35 (n, % total)

10 (59%)


7 (70%)


17 (63%)


Presenting complaint

Pregnancy loss (n)

13 (76%)


7 (70%)



20 (74%)


Infertility (n)

4 (24%)


3 (30%)


7 (26%)


Number of previous pregnancy losses per woman, including those without an experience of pregnancy

Median (range)


2 (0–12)


1 (0–2)

< 0.05


1 (0–12)

Number of previous pregnancy loss per woman who had experienced ≥ 1 pregnancy loss

Median (range)


2 (1–12)


1 (1–2)

< 0.05


1.5 (1–12)

Uterine shape#

U2 (n, % total)

9 (53%)


9 (90%)



18 (67%)


U3 (n, % total)

8 (47%)


1 (10%)


9 (33%)


Follow-up period after surgery (months)

Median (range)


19 (5-103)


9.5 (3–37)



12 (3-103)

  1. n.s.: not statistically significant
  2. #Uterine shape corresponds to the 2013 ESHRE/ESGE classification of uterine anomalies [7]
  3. $The test for continuous variables was conducted using Fisher’s exact probability test and that for categorical variables was conducted using Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test