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Table 4 Sensitivity analysis of influencing factors

From: Prevalence and factors of urinary incontinence among postpartum: systematic review and meta-analysis

Influencing factors

Fixed effects model


Random effects model

OR (95%CI)

Cesarean delivery

0.450 (0.378–0.535)

0.416 (0.282–0.613)

Vaginal delivery

1.024 (1.016–1.032)

3.085 (2.163–4.398)

Age (≥ 35 years old)

1.085 (1.063–1.108)

1.493 (1.274–1.750)

Multiparity (number of deliveries ≥ 2)

1.497 (1.315–1.703)

1.736 (1.357–2.222)

Neonatal weight > 4 kg

1.824 (1.604–2.074)

2.142 (1.688–2.717)

Lateral episiotomy

1.811 (1.359–2.413)

1.811 (1.359–2.413)

Antecedent history of UI pathology

2.215 (2.141–2.290)

3.651 (2.488–5.358)

Augmented pre-pregnancy BMI ≥ 24 kg/m2

1.099 (1.053–1.146)

1.657 (1.294–2.123)

Perineal deviation

1.446 (1.335–1.566)

1.664 (1.277–2.168)

Instrumental parturition

1.370 (1.349–1.390)

1.791 (1.133–2.832)

Pelvic surgical theater

1.294 (1.097–1.526)

1.379 (1.003–1.897)

Prolonged second stage of labor

2.449 (1.761–3.407)

2.413 (1.917–3.407)