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Table 3 Essential elements of integrated care for women with PPGP as identified by HCPs

From: “We are not there yet”: perceptions, beliefs and experiences of healthcare professionals caring for women with pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain in Australia



Screening for PPGP

“More proactive in asking the women about pain rather than just waiting for women to mention it themselves ... then we may be able to catch women earlier” (Physiotherapist 13)

“Screening early to be able to target the risks before the pain takes hold” (Midwife 15)

“Access to early screening. Here could be a focus on women with risk factors, for example multi-parity, or those in third trimester where there is higher risk of having PPGP” (Doctor 16)

“Screening women so we don’t miss them and don’t miss the opportunity to intervene early” (Physiotherapist 20)

Education resources

“More information, more education and maybe cultural and language specific” (Doctor 1)

“Be pointed in the right direction that there are resources on the webpage and education sessions they can attend” (Physiotherapist 13)

“I think it comes down to education, education, education and early” (Midwife 15)

“We need more resources translated into different languages” (Doctor 5)

“There is the scope with telemedicine to have online information sessions that can reach a large number of people without the need to come into hospital” (Doctor 22)

Individualised treatment options

“Having some online videos may also be flexible, so people can use them as needed” (Midwife 12)

“For all women to have access to the services they need, whether that is fact sheets and brochures online, or hydro classes or physiotherapy. Just more flexibility in what we offer and when to match their needs” (Midwife 12)

“I think it is about all women having access to the care they need, whether that be access to written information, a quick education session by the doctor or midwife in clinic, or referral to physio as needed” (Physiotherapist 20)

“Women seem to be able to learn how to cope with pain better when they understand what options they have in being able to try things to help the pain” (Physiotherapist 9)

Multidisciplinary teams

“There is a need to have more allied health in the clinic. There are many people who can help with a piece of the puzzle” (Midwife 10)

“We need links to services to better support women, it is not up to the midwife alone to fix this” (Midwife 11).

“At the moment, we send them to physio, which is somewhere down the back from the hospital, why can’t we have physio here in the clinic where it is needed?” (Doctor 14)

“I think best care should be multidisciplinary so that it can meet individual needs” (Physiotherapist 19)

“Ensuring there is a multi-disciplinary team that is dealing with things per their scope” (Doctor 22)

“It is about having the right staff mix to deal with this” (Midwife 26)