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Table 4 Typologies of interactions that reflect non-stigmatizing and high-quality abortion care, with codes representing manifestations of each category

From: Typologies of interactions between abortion seekers and healthcare workers in Australia: a qualitative study exploring the impact of stigma on quality of care


Codes (manifestations of the typology)

2.1 Actively helping people access abortion care

Proactively supporting access; took time to provide information when booking/referring

2.2 Actively validating abortion decision

No judgement; explicit validation of decision

2.3 Interactions responsive to evolving emotional and information needs

Emotional support and comfort during and beyond service; time and effort to support decisions and tailor abortion care based on preferences

2.4 Aligning abortion provision with client reproductive intentions and service preferences

Client preferences for ultrasound met and respected; contraceptive discussion aligned with client wants and needs; find out and support pregnancy preferences andintentions

2.5 Providing holistic and high-quality care to ensure a safe service

Sufficient aftercare info for safe management; proactive follow up to ensure safety and wellbeing of client; supportive interactions during recovery