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Table 2 Positive and negative typologies of interactions between abortion seekers and healthcare workers

From: Typologies of interactions between abortion seekers and healthcare workers in Australia: a qualitative study exploring the impact of stigma on quality of care

1. Interactions that reflect stigmatizing, low-quality abortion care

2. Interactions that reflect non-stigmatizing, high-quality abortion care

1.1 Creating barriers to abortion access

2.1 Actively helping people access abortion care

1.2 Judging, blaming, questioning, or punishing abortion seekers

2.2 Actively validating abortion decision

1.3 Interactions that do not respond to evolving emotional or information needs of the client

2.3 Interactions responsive to evolving emotional and information needs

1.4 Making assumptions about reproductive intentions and related preferences for care

2.4 Aligning abortion provision with client reproductive intentions and care preferences

1.5 Minimized interactions that compromise the quality and safety of the service

2.5 Providing holistic and high-quality care to ensure a safe service