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Table 3 Mapping of data points to indicators

From: Ending preventable stillbirths and improving bereavement care: a scorecard for high- and upper-middle income countries

23 Indicators

27 Data points

Indicators Global Scorecard

Stillbirth rates

 1.1 SBR 28 weeks or more

1.1 Percent of HIC that have achieved the global stillbirth rate target of 12 or fewer stillbirths (at 28 + weeks) per 1000 total births

1.1 Countries with newborn plan

1.6 Percent of HIC that have achieved a 28 + week stillbirth rate target of 2 or less stillbirths per 1000 births

1.3 Countries achieved stillbirth rate global target

 1.2 SBR national definition

1.2 Percent of HIC with a single national definition of stillbirth


1.3 National stillbirth rate

Other pregnancy outcomes

 2.1 ENND rate

1.7 Early neonatal death rate


 2.2 LNND rate

1.8 Late neonatal death rate

 2.3 PTB rate

2.6 Preterm birth rate (total live births at < 37 weeks) per 1000 births

 2.4 MMR

2.9 Maternal mortality rate

4.3 Quality of intrapartum care

 2.5 Adolescent pregnancies

2.2 Proportion of pregnancies among adolescent females (USHP2020 FP-8)

2.2 Percentage demand for contraception satisfied

 2.6 Planned pregnancies

2.1 Proportion of pregnancies that are planned (USHP2020 FP-1)

2.1 Additional users of modern methods of contraception


 3.1 SBR equity ratio

1.11 Percent of HIC whose stillbirth equity ratio equals 1

1.6 Countries reporting subnational SBRs

 3.2 Early and adequate ANC

2.5 Proportion of pregnant women who receive early and adequate prenatal care (USHP2020 MICH10)

3.2 4 + Antenatal care visits

 3.3 Early and adequate ANC (among disadvantaged)

2.8 Ratio of pregnant women in disadvantaged to advantaged group with early and adequate prenatal care

3.3 Quality of antenatal care

 3.4 Early and adequate ANC equity ratio

2.7 Ratio of pregnant women in lowest 20% wealth bracket to highest 20% wealth bracket with early and adequate prenatal care

2.8 Ratio of pregnant women in disadvantaged to advantaged group with early and adequate prenatal care

Quality targets

 4.1 Universal maternity care

2.3 Percent of HIC with universal health care

2.3 Countries with reproductive health plan

 4.2 National perinatal audit program

3.1 Percent of HIC with a national perinatal audit program

5.2 Perinatal death review systems

 4.3 Adequate perinatal pathologists

3.2 Percent of HIC with a training program for perinatal pathologists

 4.4 Mechanisms for national collection of SB data

3.3 Percent of HIC with a national stillbirth data collection mechanism

 4.5 Government-funded research programs

3.4 Percent of HIC with a national program of research on stillbirth

5.3 Research focusing on stillbirths planned by country

 4.6 Classification system

1.12 Percent of HIC using a single classification system at national level to collect data on causes of stillbirths


 4.7 National guidelines bereavement care

3.5 Percent of HIC with national perinatal bereavement care guidelines

5.4 Global consensus on respectful care after stillbirth

 4.8 Identified mechanisms for stigma reduction

3.6 Percent of HIC that have identified mechanisms to reduce stigma associated with stillbirth

5.5 National process for stigma reduction

 4.9 SBR target

1.4 Percent of HIC that have a public health plan that includes a national stillbirth rate target

1.2 Countries with stillbirth rate target

1.5 Percent of HIC that have met their own national stillbirth rate target (if any)

 4.10 SBR equity target

1.9 Percent of HIC with a public health plan that includes at least one subnational stillbirth rate equity target

1.4 Countries with subnational newborn plan

1.10 Percent of HIC that have met their own subnational stillbirth rate equity target(s) (if any)

1.5 Countries with stillbirth rate equity target

 4.11 ANC quality target

2.4 Percent of HIC with a quality aim for prenatal/antenatal care

3.1 Global standards for antenatal care

  1. Abbreviations: ANC Antenatal care, ENND Early neonatal death, HIC High-income countries, LNND Late neonatal death, MMR Maternal mortality rate, PTB Preterm birth, SB Stillbirth, SBR Stillbirth rate