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Table 1 Search strategy and terms

From: Parents’ experiences of life after medicalised conception: a thematic meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature



Search terms used


Sample (S)

Parent* OR Mothera OR women OR Woman OR partnera OR Lone parena OR same sex couplea OR Same sex parenta OR couplea OR fathera


Phenomenon of Interest (PI)

Assisted reproduction OR Medicali#ed conception OR In Vitro Fertili#ation OR IVF OR Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection OR ICSI OR Fertility treatment OR Subfertila OR Assisted reproductive techna or Assisted reproductive treatmena or Medically assisted conception or MAC or ART


Research type (R)

Qualitative OR Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis OR IPA ORThematic Analysis OR Grounded Theory OR Content analysis OR Narrativea

  1. The above were connected in the following way: S AND PI AND R
  2. aTruncation used to broaden search terms to include various word endings and spellings