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Table 6 Barriers and facilitators to water immersion during childbirth

From: Experiences of water immersion during childbirth: a qualitative thematic synthesis

Barriers to water immersion during childbirth


Safety concerns

 Potential risks associated with waterbirth after cesarean section


 Obstetric complications


Cultural factors

 Lack of support from family members and health professionals


Limited resources

 Lack of necessary equipment or facilities to support waterbirth


Facilitators of water immersion in childbirth


  Availability of bathtubs and appropriate usage techniques


  Availability of cardiotocographic equipment compatible with water immersion


 A culture of support for water immersion during childbirth

  Clear and consistent eligibility criteria for water immersion during childbirth


  Promoting a natural childbirth experience without unnecessary medical interventions

[15, 17]

 Support for the mother

  Support from health professionals

[10, 12, 14, 17, 20]

  Support for partners during water immersion childbirth, including emotional and physical support


 Training and support for healthcare professionals who attend water immersion childbirths, including proper techniques and safety precautions

  Learning through observation of successful water immersion childbirths to improve technique and confidence


  Professional waterbirth training and senior staff support

[17, 18, 20]

  Positive impact of coworker presence during water immersion childbirths on patient outcomes and healthcare provider satisfaction


  Confidence to improve with the experience of attending such births

[18, 20]

  Provision of clear and accurate information to pregnant women about the benefits and risks of water immersion childbirths


  Promotion of water immersion through education

[16, 17]

  1. [10] Fair et al. 2020; [12] Lewis et al. 2018; [14] Antonakou et al. 2018; [15] McKenna et al. 2013; [16] Carlsson et al. 2020; [17] Milosevic et al. 2019; [18] Cooper et al. 2019; [18] Lewis et al. 2018 (midwives); [20] Nicholls et al. 2016