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Table 2 Descriptive characteristics and frequency distributions of access paths, reasons for using SmartMoms, and help-seeking intentions (n = 217) Note. Based on observed data. a multiple responses possible. Factor levels in parentheses.

From: SmartMoms – a web application to raise awareness and provide information on postpartum depression


N (%)

Age in years (n = 214)

M = 32.5; SD = 4.8; Range = 20–55


 20–29 (I)

54 (25.2)

 ≥ 30 (II)

160 (74.8)

Number of Children (n = 210)

M = 1.4; SD = 0.6; Range = 1–4


 1 (I)

136 (64.8)


74 (35.2)

Education (Highest degree) (n = 214)


 None (0)

0 (0)

 Lower/Higher Secondary school leaving certificate (I)

61 (28.5)

 A level (II)

47 (22.0)

 University degree (III)

106 (49.5)

Marital Status (n = 214)


 Single (I)

7 (3.3)

 Partnership (II)

207 (96.7)

Lifetime PPD Diagnosis (n = 214)

(Have you ever been diagnosed with PPD?)


 No (I)

176 (82.2)

 Yes (II)

38 (17.8)

Lifetime Other Mental Disorder (n = 216)

(Have you ever been diagnosed with a different mental disorder?)


 No (I)

194 (89.8)

 Yes (II)

22 (10.2)

Childbirth Experiences (n = 214)

(How would you describe your birth experience?)


 Rather negative (I)

138 (64.5)

 Rather positive (II)

67 (35.5)

Help-seeking Intentions (n = 213)

(Do you already have or plan to use any of the help services mentioned?)


 No (I)

166 (77.9)

 Yes (II)

47 (22.1)

Access through (n = 216)



12 (5.6)


3 (1.4)

 Specially trained social workers

1 (0.5)


19 (8.8)

 Social Media

177 (81.9)

 Maternity Clinic

6 (1.9)

Reasons for using SmartMoms a (n = 217)

% of cases

 Testing vulnerability

44 (20.3)

 PPD prevention

130 (59.9)

 Getting information anonymously

24 (11.1)


26 (12.0)

 Other reasons

34 (15.7)

  1. Note. Based on observed data. a multiple responses possible. Factor levels in parentheses.