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Table 3 Characteristics, experiences and perceptions of care reported by postpartum exit interview participants

From: Quality of maternal and newborn health care at private hospitals in Iraq: a cross-sectional study


Clients with a spontaneous vaginal birth (n = 22)

Clients with a cesarean birth (n = 71)

Total (n = 93)

Client characteristics

Age [Mean (SD)]

28 (5)

28 (7)

28 (7)

Highest level of school attended

 Primary school

36% (8)

30% (21)

31.1% (29)

 Secondary school

18% (4)

25% (18)

23.7% (22)

 Higher education

46% (10)

42% (30)

43% (40)

Declined to answer


3% (2)

2% (2)

Parity [Mean (SD)]

1.59 (1.56)

1.56 (1.64)

1.57 (1.62)

Past cesarean births [Mean (SD)]

0.12 (0.33)

1.35 (1.09)

1.03 (1.09)

Previous births with same facility or health worker [Mean (SD)]

0.76 (1.30)

0.71 (0.96)

0.73 (1.05)

Person-centered maternity care score

 Did the doctors, midwives or other healthcare providers call you by your name?

82% (18)

77% (52)

78% (70)

 Did the doctors, midwives or other healthcare providers treat you with respect?

100% (22)

99% (67)

99% (89)

 Did the doctors, midwives or other healthcare providers treat you in a friendly manner?

100% (22)

100% (68)

100% (90)

 During examinations in the labor room, were you covered up with a cloth or blanket?

82% (18)


20% (18)

 Did you the feel the health workers involved you in decisions about your care?

59% (13)

75% (51)

71% (64)

 Did the health workers ask your permission before doing examinations and procedures on you?

82% (18)

90% (61)

88% (79)

 During delivery (labor), did you feel like you were able to be in the position of your choice (lithotomy, squatting, etc.)?

18% (4)


4% (4)

 Did the health workers explain to you why there were carrying our exams or procedures?

68% (15)

87% (59)

82% (74)

 Did the health workers explain to you why and how they were giving you any medicines?

55% (12)

93% (63)

83% (75)

 Did you feel like you could ask the health workers any questions you had?

96% (21)

100% (68)

99% (89)

 Did the health workers talk to you about how you were feeling?

73% (16)

88% (60)

84% (76)

 When you needed help, did you feel the health workers paid attention?

96% (21)

100% (68)

99% (89)

 Did you feel the health workers took the best care of you?

100% (22)

100% (68)

100% (90)

 Person-Centered Maternity Care Score (13-item scale, with 0–3 points possible for each item: 0 = no, never, 1 = yes, a few times, 2 = yes, most of the time, 3 = yes, all of the time)

[Mean (SD)]

28.4 (6.4)

28.6 (4.1)

28.5 (4.8)


14 of 39

16 of 33a



38 of 39

33 of 33a


Client recall of counseling provided on postnatal care

 Using family planning after the birth of your baby to prevent unwanted pregnancy or space your next birth

24% (15)

 Exclusive breastfeeding (not giving your baby any fluids or food in addition to breastmilk)

68% (43)

 Where to access breastfeeding support in the community

25% (16)

 Signs that the baby is hungry

30% (19)

 Risks of using feeding bottles, teats and pacifiers

32% (20)

 Nutrition (what is good for you to be eating after having your baby)

71% (45)

 The importance of taking iron tablets after having your baby

49% (31)

 What to do if you feel sad or depressed after giving birth

6% (4)

 Health signs and symptoms for which you must immediately come back to the facility

57% (36)

 Health signs and symptoms for which you must immediately bring your baby back to facility

54% (34)

 Registration of the birth of your baby

60% (38)

 Vaccinating, complete your vaccination and vaccinate your baby

57% (36)

 How to engage and play with your baby

10% (6)

 When to next visit a health facility for health checks for you and the baby

70% (44)

Client perceptions of service quality

 Felt the amount of time waiting to see a health worker was a problem

5% (5)

 Felt the facility environment was clean

95% (88)

 Felt they were physically mistreated (treated roughly, pushed, slapped, squeezed, pinched, restrained, etc.)

3 (3%)

 Felt they were verbally mistreated (treated rudely, shouted at, insulted, etc.)

2 (2%)

 Would recommend facility to family or friends

99% (92)

  1. aQuestions related to examinations and position of choice during labor and birth were not asked in exit interviews with postpartum women who gave birth via cesarean