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Table 2 Presence or absence of SARS-CoV2 infection and maternal infection time in gestation

From: COVID-19 mRNA vaccination status and concerns among pregnant women in Japan: a multicenter questionnaire survey


Postpartum women vaccinated during pregnancy

Postpartum women not vaccinated during pregnancy


SARS-CoV-2 infection

3.3 (27/828)

7.8 (17/217)


Oxygen administration due to COVID-19

3.7 (1/27)

11.7 (2/17)


Percentage of maternal infections during pregnancy

 First trimester

11.1 (3/27)

11.8 (2/17)


 Second trimester

25.9 (7/27)

17.6 (3/17)


 Third trimester

62.9 (16/27)

58.8 (10/17)



0.0 (0/27)

11.8 (2/17)

  1. Data are shown as the percentage (number of applicable women/number of women targeted for analysis). *χ2 test or Fisher's exact test
  2. The number of subjects is calculated by excluding the missing values from the total number of each group