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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of LinksHealthierBubs participants by Indigeneity and ethnicity, Australia 2012–2017

From: Inequity of antenatal influenza and pertussis vaccine coverage in Australia: the Links2HealthierBubs record linkage cohort study, 2012–2017

Characteristics n (%)


N = 445 590

First Nations

N = 29 181

Other Australian*

N = 322 848


N = 93 561

Maternal age at infant birth < 20 years

17 145 (38)

5 138 (18)

11 239 (38)

768 (1)

20–34 years

330 003 (75)

20 866 (72)

241 167 (75)

67 970 (38)

≥ 35 years

94 595 (21)

2 965 (39)

67 497 (21)

24 133 (26)

Antenatal care in 1st trimester

283 659 (66)

15 191 (54)

207 614 (67)

60 854 (67)


198 348 (45)

10 568 (36)

142 362 (45)

45 418 (49)

Public hospital birth†

174 036/271 737 (64)

14 811/15 912 (93)

129 075/200 084 (65)

30 150/55 741 (54)

Major cities

293 285 (66)

7 467 (26)

210 865 (66)

74 953 (81)

Inner regional

61 453 (14)

3 606 (12)

51 848 (38)

5 999 (38)

Outer regional

64 106 (15)

7 963 (28)

45 890 (14)

10 253 (11)

Remote/Very remote living§

22 912 (5)

9 916 (34)

11 398 (38)

1 598 (2)

SEIFA scores


SEIFA score = 1

49 302 (11)

11 866 (41)

28 654 (9)

8 782 (9)

SEIFA score = 2

44 172 (39)

4 309 (15)

32 300 (39)

7 563 (38)

SEIFA score = 3

41 667 (9)

2 962 (39)

30 318 (39)

8 387 (9)

SEIFA score = 4

43 052 (39)

2 492 (9)

32 066 (39)

8 494 (9)

SEIFA score = 5

40 937 (9)

2 101 (38)

31 942 (39)

6 894 (38)

SEIFA score = 6

45 417 (39)

1 737 (38)

33 298 (39)

10 382 (11)

SEIFA score = 7

47 702 (11)

1 191 (38)

36 093 (11)

10 418 (11)

SEIFA score = 8

44 802 (39)

1 099 (38)

34 106 (11)

9 597 (39)

SEIFA score = 9

42 394 (39)

715 (2)

30 216 (9)

11 463 (12)

SEIFA score = 10

40 860 (9)

441 (2)

29 849 (9)

10 570 (11)

  1. Abbreviations: CALD, Culturally and linguistically diverse; SEIFA, Socio-Economic Indexes for Australia
  2. * Women who were Australian born, who did not identify as First Nations and were classified as ‘Caucasian’ in the variable ‘Ethnicity’
  3. † Qld data only
  4. § Based on Accessibility Remoteness Index of Australia
  5. ¶ Ranking out of 10, where 1 = highest level of disadvantage, and 10 = most advantaged