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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of study participants, California, 2016; n = 1202

From: Association between primary Spanish language and quality of intrapartum care among Latina women: a secondary analysis of the Listening to Mothers in California survey


n (weighted %)


Maternal age (years)a


352 (30.0)


340 (28.4)


303 (24.9)

 35 + 

191 (16.7)

Primary language


406 (35.6)

 Bilingual (English & Spanish)

422 (35.3)


374 (29.1)

Maternal education

 High school or less

592 (50.5)

 Some college

410 (35.2)


126 (9.5)

 Some graduate school or higher

64 (4.7)

Relationship status


550 (46.4)

 Living with someone

425 (35.8)

 Single or divorced/separated

209 (17.8)

Insurance type


350 (30.4)

 Medi-Cal or uninsured

829 (69.6)



403 (32.1)


799 (67.9)

Mode of delivery for most recent birth


858 (69.3)


343 (30.7)

Type of provider present at birth


764 (67.3)


137 (8.6)

 Family medicine or other physician

221 (18.9)

 Nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant or other

65 (5.2)

Gestational age at birtha,b

  < 37 weeks

82 (7.7)

  > 37 weeks

1046 (92.3)

Birth weight

  ≤ 2500 g

75 (6.5)

 2500–3999 g

988 (84.4)

  ≥ 4000 g

102 (9.0)

  1. a Covariates used as continuous variables in multivariable model
  2. b Gestational age could not be differentiated into preterm, normal term, or late term due to small sample sizes