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Table 4 Coping with the impacts of COVID-19

From: “I am scared, I do not want to lie”: exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on engagement in care, perceived health, relationship dynamics, and parenting among postpartum women with HIV in South Africa

Domains & associated themes

Illustrative quotes


Social support

“[My current partner] fills that gap that the father of my baby abandoned me, you see. So, I no longer have stress about not having the father of my baby… I mean I am not expecting him to give me money for the baby, but the stress of not having no one, he closes that gap.” (Age 33)


“We have to just accept it; you cannot cope with everything. I cannot say I am satisfied because, as a mom, I am not working. I am not satisfied because we are not in a stage where I want us to be in. I am grateful that [my baby] is alive, she is able to eat, she does not go to bed without food. That is what I can say.” (Age 31)

Spirituality, prayer, or religion

“For now, I don’t know what is it that can be done, what could make it better. Nothing beats prayer, to pray for myself, that makes it better until this lockdown passes.” (Age 29)

Adherence to COVID-19 prevention protocols

“I do not go anywhere when there is no need, I make sure that I stay at home. When I go out, I have my mask. I take my baby to the clinic or when I go to collect my pills. I only go out when there is a need.” (Age 22)

Distraction or engagement in activities

“What I used to do to keep myself busy [is] I opened a space for a garden and planted vegetables so that when I want something, I am able to get it, because I am not able to get anything because of this corona.” (Age 28)