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Table 3 Main reasons for predicted maternal influenza acceptance and refusal

From: Acceptance of vaccination against pertussis, COVID-19 and influenza during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study

Predicted maternal influenza acceptance

Predicted maternal influenza refusal

Receiving a recommendation from HCW (63.2%)

Influenza is not a severe disease (39.7%)

The vaccination is protecting the unborn child (58.3%)

The vaccination is not necessary (good health) (21.6%)

The vaccination is protecting the mother (53.8%)

Too many vaccinations during pregnancy (18.8%)

The vaccination is safe during pregnancy (46.2%)

Low effectiveness of influenza vaccination (17.2%)

Receiving a recommendation from the government (43.3%)

Against all vaccinations during pregnancy (4.4%)

Influenza is a severe disease for the newborn (23.2%)

Not enough information about advantages and disadvantages (3.0%)

Other countries already implemented this vaccination (11.3%)

Fear of or experienced many side effects of the influenza vaccination (2.2%)