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Table 4 Important outcomes for women (N = 16)

From: The acceptability and feasibility of a randomised trial exploring approaches to managing impacted fetal head during emergency caesarean section: a qualitative study



N (%)

Infant outcomes

Time taken to resolve impacted fetal head

8 (50)

Long-term disability/Impact on QoL

2 (12.5)

Psychological/Physical Trauma

2 (12.5)

Infant stress

2 (12.5)

Infant death

2 (12.5)

Developmental outcomes

1 (6.25)

Maternal outcomes

Women’s/partner’s experiences of birth

7 (43.75)


4 (25)


2 (12.5)

Increased time in recovery

2 (12.5)

Internal Damage or Tearing

1 (6.25)

Excessive Pain

1 (6.25)

Clinical staff

Experience/views on performing techniques

3 (18.75)