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Table 3 Illustrative participant quotes on community needs as a driver of what services to offer

From: Influences on intentions for obstetric practice among family physicians and residents in Canada: an explorative qualitative inquiry

… I really like obstetrics … But MaiD was something that was under-serviced. And the woman that was only doing it at the time was quite stressed out. And when she approached me, it just made sense to do it. So, I think it’s what my community needs definitely influences what I would change my practice to. (Family Physician, woman, BC)

I think that just the nature of the work itself, it’s more elderly people. We don’t see a lot of pediatrics or obstetrics. (Family Physician, woman, ON)

Well, I don’t do any obstetrics… Yeah, probably obstetrics would be the biggest thing [excluded from practice]. Like I guess theoretically I could deliver a baby but it’s not too likely. Most places I work, they have obs. (Family Physician, man, NS)

I worked with … a husband and wife family physician couple in a small town in [Canadian province]. And they both had comprehensive family practices but just due to the nature of like it was a town of 5,000 people so they had to take on other roles. So, one of them also did anesthesia, and another one had a pretty extensive OB practice. (Resident, unreported gender, NS)

… I think that’s based a lot on the community and also the size of the community, and what’s already set up. Because … my friends who have all graduated in different sized communities, in a smaller place, a lot of them will do obstetrics. And in the big urban centres, they just don’t. (Family Physician, woman, BC)