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Table 1 Characteristics and outcomes of study population

From: HbA1c at term delivery and adverse pregnancy outcome


Participants (N = 1000)

HbA1c (%)

5.3 [5.1–5.6]

 HbA1c ≤ 5.6%

794 (79.4%)

 HbA1c 5.7–6.4%


 HbA1c ≥ 6.5%

9 (0.9%)

Gestational age (weeks, mean ± SD)

39.0 ± 1.1

Age (years, mean ± SD)

30.6 ± 4.6

Parity (median [IQR])

1 [0–2]


396 (39.6%)


325 (32.5%)


166 (16.6%)

  ≥ 3

113 (11.3%)

Previous miscarriage

212 (21.2%)



621 (62.1%)


127 (12.7%)


116 (11.6%)


136 (13.6%)

BMI (kg/m2, mean ± SD)

28.9 ± 4.9

  < 25

215 (21.5%)


431 (43.1%)

  ≥ 30

354 (35.4%)

Hemoglobin, predelivery (g/dL, mean ± SD)

12.0 ± 1.3

Medical & Obstetric History

Diabetes in pregnancy

242 (24.2%)

  Gestational diabetes

232 (23.2%)

  Type 2 diabetes

10 (1.0%)

Antiglycemic drug in pregnancy

70 (7.0%)

  Metformin only

54 (5.4%)

  Insulin only

3 (0.3%)

  Metformin and insulin

13 (1.3%)


53 (5.3%)

Hypertension in pregnancy

49 (4.9%)

Group B streptococcus carriage

59 (5.9%)

Thalassemia trait

10 (1.0%)

HIV or Hepatitis B infection

9 (0.9%)

Previous Caesarean

165 (16.5%)

Induction of labor

206 (20.6%)


Caesarean delivery

307 (30.7%)


35 (3.5%)


272 (27.2%)

Birth weight

3.08 ± 0.40

  LGA (Large for gestational age)

99 (9.9%)

  LBW (low birth weight < 2.5 kg)

66 (6.6%)

Estimated delivery blood loss

323 ± 247

 PPH ≥ 500 ml

146 (14.6%)

Neonatal admission (n = 998)

54 (5.4%)

Cord artery blood pH (n = 979)

7.30 ± 0.07

 pH < 7.1

15 (1.5%)

Cord artery blood base excess (n = 969)

-4.03 ± 3.41

 BE ≤ -12

24 (2.4%)

Apgar score at 1 min (median [IQR]) (n = 998)

9 [9-9]

 Apgar score at 1 min ≤ 3

2 (0.2%)

Apgar score at 5 min (median [IQR]) (n = 998)

10 [10-10]

 Apgar score at 5 min ≤ 6

1 (0.1%)

  1. Values are stated as mean ± standard deviation, median [interquartile range] or n (%). Analysis by t test for continuous data, Mann–Whitney U test for non-parametric data and Chi Square test for categoric variable