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Table 6 Lifestyle interventions

From: A scoping review of non-pharmacological perinatal interventions impacting maternal sleep and maternal mental health


Intervention Description

Study Design / Analytical Approach

Intervention Delivery

Intervention Facilitator

Intervention Length

Data Time Points

(PN = postnatal,

GE = gestational)

Number of Participants (Intervention vs Control)

Retention Rate

Recruitment Sites and Methods

Mental Health Measures

Sleep Measures

Results Summary

Chang et al. (2015), Taiwan [42]

Drinking chamomile tea

RCT, between group

Self-delivered after instruction

No personal contact

One cup per day for 2 weeks

• Baseline (6 weeks PN)

• Intervention end

• 10 weeks PN

80 enrolled

(40 vs 40)

73 completed

(35 vs 37)


Teaching hospital




• Intervention group better sleep efficiency related to physical-symptoms immediately post intervention but not at 4 weeks (PSQS-F1)

• No difference between groups in sleep efficiency related to infant night-care and daytime dysfunction (PSQS-F2)

• Intervention group fewer depressive symptoms immediately post intervention and at 4 weeks

Chen et al. (2015), Taiwan [43]

Drinking lavender tea

RCT, between group

Self-delivered after instruction

No personal contact

One cup per day for 2 weeks

• Baseline (6 weeks PN)

• Intervention end

• 10 weeks PN

80 enrolled

(40 vs 40)

76 completed

(38 vs 38)


Medical centre clinic



• No difference between groups for sleep quality

• Intervention group fewer depressive symptoms immediately post intervention but not at 4 weeks, (difference also seen at baseline)

Field et al. (1999), USA [44]

Full body massage therapy with mother in side-lying position

RCT, between and within group

Face-to-face, individual sessions

Trained massage therapists

Ten 20-min massages twice weekly for 5 weeks

• Baseline (14–30 weeks GE)

• First day of intervention

(before/after treatment)

• Last day of intervention

(before/after treatment)

• Intervention end

26 enrolled

(14 vs 12)

26 completed

(14 vs 12)


Obstetrics and gynecology clinics and community advertisements










• Within group improvements in immediate (beginning to end of massage) depressive (POMS) and anxiety (STAI) symptoms

• Intervention (within group) reported less disrupted sleep post intervention (VHS-D)

• No difference within group on VHS effectiveness or supplementary sleep subscales

• A significant group by days interaction

on VHS sleep disturbance with intervention group having less disrupted sleep at intervention end

• Intervention group reported less perinatal worries post intervention (PAAS-P)

• No difference between groups on other PAAS subscales post intervention

• No difference between groups on the CES-D post intervention

Field et al. (2013), USA [45]

Combined form of tai chi and yoga combining balance and stretching

RCT, between group

Face-to-face, group sessions

Trained yoga instructor

One 20- minute session per week for 12 weeks

• Baseline (13–40 weeks GE)

• Intervention end

92 enrolled

(46 vs 46)

75 completed

(37 vs 38)


Prenatal ultrasound clinics affiliated with large university medical centre






• Greater improvement in depression scores (CES-D total and subscale scores) and anxiety scores (STAI) for intervention group

• Decrease in sleep disturbances for intervention group compared to an increase in sleep disturbances for control group

Lewis et al. (2014), USA [52]

Gradual increase in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity with and telephone support and education sessions

RCT, between group

Individual telephone sessions

Health counsellor

11 phone sessions in 6 months (weekly in 1st month, bi-weekly in 2nd & 3rd month, in 4th, 5th & 6th month)

• Baseline (0–8 weeks PN)

• Intervention end

130 enrolled

(66 vs 64)

124 completed

(61 vs 63)


Online and traditional media, targeted emails and physician referrals





• No difference between groups for sleep quality post intervention

• Intervention group fewer depressive symptoms on the PHQ-9 and EPDS but no differences by clinical interview (DSM-IV)

Liu (Y.) et al (2016), Taiwan [53]

Music listening of pre-recorded symphonic or classical, nature sounds, lullabies or Chinese children’s rhymes/songs CD’s

RCT, within and between group

CD, self-delivered after instruction

Not reported

30 mins listening every bedtime for 2 weeks

• Baseline (18–34 weeks GE)

• Intervention end

128 enrolled

(65 vs 63)

121 completed

(61 vs 60)


Medical centre antenatal clinic



• Improvements in sleep quality pre-post for both groups and better sleep quality post for intervention

• Improved anxiety symptoms for intervention group pre-post and fewer anxiety symptoms post for intervention

Liu (Y.) et al. (2021), Taiwan [54]

Exercise intervention, freeform, long-step walking exercise 20–30 min per session and three sessions per week.

Quasi experimental, non-randomised, between group

Home based, self-delivered after instruction

Research assistant

20–30 min sessions, 3 times per week for 12 weeks

• Baseline (6 weeks PN)

• Mid intervention

(4 weeks)

• Intervention end

104 enrolled

(50 vs 54)

96 completed

(1 month)

(47 vs 49)

88 completed

(3 month)

(41 vs 47)

92% (mid intervention)

85% (intervention end)

Teaching hospital




• No difference between groups on depressive symptoms

• No difference between groups for infant night-care-related daytime dysfunction (PSQS-F1)

• Intervention group fewer physical symptoms related to sleep inefficiency (PSQS-F2) mid intervention but not post intervention

Mindell et al. (2018), USA [56]

Nightly two-step massage-based bedtime routine and quiet activities (e.g., cuddling and singing lullaby), lights out within 30 min after completing the full-body massage

RCT, between group

Self-delivered (after instruction)

Not reported

Nightly for 3 weeks

• Baseline (3–18 months PN)

• Intervention end

Enrolled not


123 completed

(64 vs 59)

Not reported

Independent clinical research organization









• Intervention groups had reduction in number of night wakings, improved sleep quality and a significant reduction in % mothers designated as poor sleepers

• No difference between groups for daytime sleepiness (ESS), bedtime, sleep latency, TST and time spent awake

• No difference between groups for depressive (EDPS) or anxiety symptoms (STAI)

• Intervention group had improved BMIS scores from baseline to week one and two

Teychenne et al. (2020), Australia [67]

Home-based physical activity including treadmill or stationary bicycle, access to smartphone app, logbook for goal setting and self-monitoring, online forum for social support

RCT, between group

Self-delivered after instruction, with online forum for feedback and support

Research assistant

12 weeks (regularity not reported)

• Baseline (3–9 months PN)

• Mid intervention

(4 weeks)

• Mid intervention

(8 weeks)

• Intervention end

62 enrolled

(32 vs 30)

56 completed

(31 vs 25)


Social media and websites and flyers at Maternal Child Health Centres




• No difference between groups for depressive symptoms (EPDS or GAD)

• No difference between groups for sleep quality

Xue et al. (2020), China [71]

Drinking magnolia tea

RCT, between group

Self-delivered after instruction

No personal contact

One cup per day for 3 weeks

• Baseline

(newly delivered)

• Intervention end

• 6 weeks PN

112 enrolled

(56 vs 56)

101 completed

(50 vs 51)


Not reported




• Intervention group better physical-symptom-related sleep inefficiency immediately post intervention but not at 6 weeks postnatal

• No difference between groups in sleep inefficiency related to infant night-care and daytime dysfunction

• Intervention group fewer depressive symptoms immediately post intervention and at 6 weeks postnatal

Yang et al. (2018), Taiwan [72]

Aerobic gymnastic involving sitting and standing exercises using a DVD in the home

RCT, within and between group

DVD, self-delivered after instruction

No personal contact

15 min sessions, 3 times per week for 12 weeks

• Baseline (6 weeks PN)

• Mid intervention

(4 weeks)

• Intervention end

140 enrolled

(70 vs 70)

122 completed

(60 vs 62)


Medical centre postnatal clinic





• PSQS total score decreased in the intervention compared to control at intervention end but no significant effect of group, time or interaction

• PSQS sleep inefficiency score decreased for intervention group mid and post intervention. Control group decreased (significant effect of time but not group or interaction)

• Depressive symptoms decreased for the intervention group mid and post intervention. Control group decreased (significant effect of time but not group or interaction)

  1. BMIS-16 16-item Brief Mood Introspection Scale, CES-D-20 Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression, CES-DA Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Affect subscale, CES-DS Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Somatic/Vegetative subscale, EPDS-10 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, ESS-8 8-item Epworth Sleepiness Scale, GAD-7 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, PAAS-P Perinatal Anxieties and Attitudes Scale Pregnancy subscale, PAAS-L Perinatal Anxieties and Attitudes Scale Labor & Birth subscale, PAAS-W Perinatal Anxieties and Attitudes Scale Worries and Post Birth subscale, PAAS-PO Perinatal Anxieties and Attitudes Scale Pregnancy Onset subscale, PHQ-9 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire, POMS-D Profile of Mood States Depression subscale, PSQI-3 3-item Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory, PSQI-19 19-item Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory, PSQI-B Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory Bedtime, PSQI-SOL Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory Sleep Onset Latency, PSQI-Awak Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory Number of Night Wakings, PSQI-DAwak Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory Duration of Night Wakings, PSQI-TST Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory Total Sleep Time, PSQI > 5 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory (score > 5), PSQS-14 14-item Postpartum Sleep Quality Scale, PSQS-F1 Postpartum Sleep Quality Scale Factor 1 (Infant night-care related daytime dysfunction), PSQS-F2 Postpartum Sleep Quality Scale Factor 2 (Physical-symptom-related sleep inefficiency), SCID-I Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, STAI-20- 20-item State Anxiety Inventory, STAI-40 40-item State Trait Anxiety Inventory, VSH-15 15-item Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale, VSH-D Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale - Disturbance subscale, VSH-E Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale - Effectiveness subscale, VSH-S Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale - Supplementary subscale