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Table 2 Comparison of the weight gain at 14–15 day and two-month-old LBW infants in two groups

From: The effect of a planned lactation education program on the mother’s breastfeeding practice and weight gain in low birth weight infants: a randomized clinical trial study

Infants’ weight (gr)


14-15-day old

Two month old

Repeated Measures ANOVA

Repeated Measures ANOVA

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD



2297.5 ± 62.39

2565.6 ± 53.16

3606.3 ± 61.45

F= 4720.6

P< 0.001

F = 9467.5

P < 0.001


2282.5 ± 51.90

2348.9 ± 25.80

3270.8 ± 64.90

F= 4969.25

P< 0.001


P = 0.246

P < 0.001

P< 0.001