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Table 3 Themes and subthemes

From: Exploring interactions between women who have experienced pregnancy loss and obstetric nursing staff: a descriptive qualitative study in China


Definition of each theme


Interaction characteristics

This theme described approaches nursing staff adopted and womem’s features during the interactions. Their interaction process could have psychological effects on both nursing staff and the women.

Approaches to interaction

The sensitive and grieving women

Mutual influence

Interactive contradiction

This theme described situations that may lead to unpleasant interaction experiences. Ignoring women’s needs and using disrespectful words are common causes.

Being ignored

Disrespectful words

Influencing factors of interactions

This theme pointed out that external and internal factors could have impact on the interactions. Heavy clinical workload was viewed as an external factor. Ability and awareness level, emotional experiences of nurses and midwives were considered as internal factors.

Heavy clinical workload

Lack of ability and awareness

Emotional experiences of nurses and midwives

Training needs

This theme referred to a situation where the participants recognised inadequacies with regards to clinical professional knowledge and humanistic care skills among nursing staff. The necessity of organising professional training was proposed.

Clinical professional knowledge and skills

Humanistic care skills

Suggestions for benign interactions

This theme suggested that efforts should be made on better medical environment for the women, more effective personnel management, better bereavement services and preparing competent nursing professionals for achieving benign interactions in the context of pregnancy loss.

Improvement of the medical environment and management

Optimization of bereavement care

Preparing competent nursing professionals