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Table 3 Collaboration quality between hospital and community sectors (n = 1491)

From: The challenge of care coordination by midwives during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national descriptive survey

n (line %)


Worse than before

Same as before

Better than before

Transmission of health data

155 (10.40)

399 (26.76)

886 (59.42)

51 (3.42)

Requests for medical expertise

130 (8.72)

326 (21.86)

913 (61.23)

122 (8.18)

Organisation of unscheduled care in hospital

218 (14.62)

386 (25.89)

820 (55.00)

67 (4.49)

Implementation of common protocols

475 (31.86)

210 (14.08)

677 (45.41)

129 (8.65)