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Table 2 IMI-ConcePTION

From: A Learning Healthcare System for pregnant and breastfeeding women: what do women during preconception, pregnancy, and nursing think? – A qualitative study

In April 2019, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) launched the ConcePTION project (Continuum of Evidence from Pregnancy Exposures, Reproductive Toxicology and Breastfeeding to Improve Outcomes Now). ConcePTION is a European public-private partnership that aims to develop a Learning Healthcare System (called “an ecosystem”) that can generate and disseminate reliable evidence-based information about medication safety and efficacy during pregnancy and breastfeeding by learning from routinely collected data and research data across Europe [7].

During the interviews we introduced ConcePTION, and made a distinction between ConcePTION as a five-year project, which aims to build a system of continuous learning, and ConcePTION as a sustainable ecosystem, which can eventually share new scientific knowledge. A way of sharing new knowledge is through a knowledge bank, which ConcePTION aims to build for both women and their HCPs [7].