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Table 2 Characteristics related to uterine leiomyoma and obstetrical factors between the CS-only and CM groups

From: The trend in cesarean myomectomies and the risk of obstetrical complications in Korea


CS-only group (n = 438)

CM group (n = 341)


History of previous CS (%)

15 (3.4)

25 (7.3)


History of previous myomectomy (%)

202 (46.1)

29 (8.5)

 < 0.001

History of preterm labor (%)

97 (22.2)

110 (32.3)


Size of the leiomyoma (cm), mean ± SD

5.2 ± 3.1

5.8 ± 3.2


Type of the leiomyoma (%)


 < 0.001

Intramural leiomyoma

122 (59.5)

139 (41.5)


Subserosal leiomyoma

70 (34.2)

163 (48.7)


Submucosal leiomyoma

4 (2)

5 (1.5)


Mix type leiomyoma

7 (3.4)

28 (8.4)


Cervical leiomyoma

2 (1)



Number of leiomyomas (%)


 < 0.001

Number < 3

165 (72.4)

301 (90.9)


Number ≥ 3

63 (27.6)

30 (9.1)


IVF (%)

391 (89.3)

294 (86.2)


Transfusion during CS (%)

22 (5)

16 (4.7)


Complication of CS (PPH + Backri, adhesion, inverted C/sec, T/H) n (%)

4 (3.2)

7 (2.1)


Complication of pregnancy (placental problem [low lying, pl.previa, pl.abruptio, pl.accreta], preeclampsia, oligohydramnios) (%)

107 (24.4)

36 (10.6)

 < 0.001

  1. Values are numbers (percentages) and means (standard deviations) for categorical variables
  2. P-values are calculated using the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test† for categorical variables
  3. CS Cesarean section, CM Cesarean myomectomy, IVF In vivo fertilization, PPH, Postpartum hemorrhage, C/sec Cesarean section, T/H Total hysterectomy, pl.previa Placenta previa, pl.abruptio Placental abruption, pl.accreta Placenta accreta