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Table 1 Demographics across delivery periods

From: Change in timing of induction protocol in nulliparous women to optimise timing of birth: results from a single centre study



n = 285

Post intervention

n = 470

p valuea

Age at delivery, mean (SD)

29.06 (5.04)

29.13 (5.17)


BMI at delivery, median (IQR)

30.9 (27.0, 35.5)

31.55 (27.6, 37.8)


Gestation (weeks), mean (SD)

39.2 (1.5)

39.1 (1.3)


Induction indication (n, (%)):δ

 - Post-dates

- 77 (27.0)

- 93 (19.8)

- 0.02*

 - Diabetes mellitus (GDM, T1DM, T2DM)

- 79 (27.7)

- 128 (27.1)

- 0.89

 - HDP

- 48 (16.8)

- 56 (11.9)

- 0.06


- 23 (8.1)

- 42 (8.9)

- 0.68

 - Reduced fetal movements

- 15 (5.2)

- 47 (10.1)

- < 0.01

 - LGA

- 30 (10.5)

- 69 (14.6)

- < 0.01

Modified Bishop’s score on admission

3 (2–4)

3 (2—4)


Cervical ripening agent

 - Prostaglandin gel

76 (26.7%)

69 (14.7%)

 < 0.01

 - Cervical ripening balloon

185 (64.6%)

18 (3.9%)

 < 0.01

 - Prostaglandin pessary


472 (100%)


 - Multiple agents

25 (8.8%)

82 (17.5%)

 < 0.01

  1. aUsing independent t-test or chi-squared test as appropriate
  2. T1DM type 1 diabetes mellitus, T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus, GDM gestational diabetes mellitus, HDP hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (including gestational hypertension and preeclampsia), IUGR intrauterine growth restriction, LGA large for gestational age (> 90th centile)
  3. δ—all listed indication for induction each recorded separately