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Table 1 Interview topic guide

From: Patient-centred consent in women’s health: does it really work in antenatal and intra-partum care?

What do you think is the main purpose of the consent process? (Prompts: How does it relate to your view of shared decision making? How do you approach the issue of consent with a patient? Is consent usually the responsibility of one member of the clinical team or does it involve several members? Who is usually responsible? What preparations do you make? What do you think the patient’s role is in the consent process?

What issues and information are covered as part of the consent process? (Prompts: What do you explain during the consent process? What do you think are the important things to address when discussing consent with a patient? What factors influence the information you give to a patient during the consent process. Do you discuss risk? How? Do you discuss benefit? How? What patient information sources do you use when seeking consent? Information sheets? Websites? Other?

Are you aware of the Montgomery case? (Prompts: What do you know about it? Has it influenced your practice? What difficulties, if any, have you experienced when seeking consent? Do you check a patient’s understanding when seeking consent? How do you assess whether a patient has understood?

How useful do you find the consent form? How long does it usually take you to seek consent?