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Table 2 Performance of the uterine artery indices in predicting early-onset or preterm preeclampsia developed within nine weeks after the Doppler scan*

From: Gestational week-specific of uterine artery Doppler indices in predicting preeclampsia: a hospital-based retrospective cohort study

Gestational weeks at delivery

No. of women

PE type (No. of total PE cases)

Cases within the 9th week (%)

Uterine artery parameters

Sensitivity (%, 95% CI)

Specificity (%, 95% CI)

Any weeks


Early PE (118)

57 (48.3%)

Right PI

66.7 (54.4–78.9)

87.7 (87.4–88.1)

Right RI

63.2 (50.6–75.7)

91.6 (91.3–91.9)a

Left PI

73.7 (62.3–85.1)

84.6 (84.2–85.0)a,c

Left RI

71.9 (60.3–83.6)

84.6 (84.2–85.0)a,c

 < 37


Preterm PE (236)

54 (22.9%)

Right PI

68.5 (56.1–80.9)

79.9 (77.9–82.0)

Right RI

64.8 (52.1–77.6)a

85.9 (84.1–87.1)a

Left PI

75.9 (64.5–87.3)d

77.3 (75.1–79.4)b,c

Left RI

74.1 (62.4–85.8)d

77.3 (75.2–79.5)b,c

 < 37


Early PE (106)

54 (50.9%)

Right PI

68.5 (56.1–80.9)

82.2 (80.1–84.2)

Right RI

64.8 (52.1–77.6)

87.5 (85.7–89.3)a

Left PI

75.9 (64.5–87.3)

79.3 (77.1–81.5)a,c

Left RI

74.1 (62.4–85.8)

79.3 (77.1–81.5)a,c

 < 34


Early PE (78)

50 (64.1%)

Right PI

72.0 (60.0–84.4)

80.8 (75.6–86.0)

Right RI

68.0 (55.1–80.9)

86.2 (81.6–90.7)d

Left PI

80.0 (68.9–91.1)

78.6 (73.2–83.9)c

Left RI

78.0 (66.5–89.5)

76.8 (71.3–82.3)c

  1. *Late-onset cases were excluded from the models
  2. aP < 0.001, bP < 0.01, dP < 0.05 for the difference comparing with the RPI; cP < 0.001 comparing with the RRI