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Table 2 Prevalence of childhood trauma in pregnant women and expecting men

From: Cumulative childhood trauma and complex psychiatric symptoms in pregnant women and expecting men


Women (n = 2853)

n (%)

Men (n = 561)

n (%)

Group differences (women vs men) p-value1

Any type of trauma

999 (35.0)

156 (27.8)


Single trauma

508 (17.8)

88 (14.8)


Cumulative trauma

491 (17.2)

68 (12.1)

Physical abuse

224 (7.9)

50 (8.9)


Sexual abuse

330 (11.6)

18 (3.2)

< .001

Emotional abuse

543 (19.0)

75 (13.4)


Emotional neglect

305 (10.7)

44 (7.8)


Physical neglect

552 (19.3)

97 (17.3)


  1. 1Given the 5 types of trauma, we corrected for multiple analyses using Bonferroni correction by dividing the significance level of 0.05 by 5. The significance level was then fixed at p = 0.01.