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Table 1 Summary of Demographic Information by Conditions

From: Reproducing fear: the effect of birth stories on nulligravid women’s birth preferences


Vaginal birth stories

Caesarean birth stories


Test of group difference







Demographic factors

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

Country of residence


103 (100%)

117 (100%)

100 (99%)

105 (100%)

425 (99.8%)

χ2(6,N = 425) = 3.83, p = 0.699a


0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (1.0%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (0.2%)

Identified with a cultural or ethnic group


91 (88.3%)

96 (82.1%)

85 (84.2%)

89 (84.8%)

361 (84.7%)

χ2(6,N = 425) = 3.83, p = 0.699


8 (7.8%)

17 (14.5%)

14 (13.9%)

12 (11.4%)

51 (12%)

Marital status


39 (37.9%)

34 (29.1%)

26 (25.7%)

26 (24.8%)

125 (29.3%)

χ2(9,N = 425) = 8.13, p = 0.521


32 (31.1%)

37 (31.6%)

41 (40.6%)

40 (38.1%)

150 (35.2%)


32 (31.1%)

44 (37.6%)

33 (32.7%)

38 (36.2%)

147 (34.5%)

Education status

 Year 12 or below

20 (19.4%)

32 (27.4%)

24 (23.8%)

25 (23.8%)

101 (23.7%)

χ2(9,N = 423) = 6.43, p = 0.697


11 (10.7%)

9 (7.7%)

10 (9.9%)

14 (13.3%)

44 (10.3%)


72 (69.9%)

74 (63.2%)

67 (66.3%)

65 (61.9%)

278 (65.3%)

Employment status

 Full time

50 (48.5%)

48 (41%)

49 (48.5%)

45 (42.9%)

192 (45.1%)

χ2(12,N = 422) = 12.69, p = 0.392

 Part time/Casual

21 (20.4%)

32 (27.4%)

28 (27.7%)

26 (24.8%)

107 (25.1%)


31 (30.1%)

32 (27.4%)

20 (19.8%)

31 (29.5%)

114 (26.8%)

  1. Note. a Due to the small number of counts in 4 of the cells for this variable, the likelihood ratio was reported as chi-square