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Table 4 Indications for intrapartum caesarean delivery in the two groups

From: Association between epidural analgesia and indications for intrapartum caesarean delivery in group 1 of the 10-group classification system at a tertiary maternity hospital, Shanghai, China: a retrospective cohort study

Indication for intrapartum CD

Use of EA

(n = 1722)

No use of EA

(n = 1154)

P value

1. Fetal reasons (no oxytocin)

10 (0.6)

14 (1.2)


2. Dyst/IUA/ITT/FI

83 (4.8)

73 (6.3)


3. Dyst/IUA/ITT/OC

58 (3.4)

45 (3.9)


4. Dyst/IUA/PR

53 (3.1)

51 (4.4)


5. Dys/IUA/no oxytocin

1 (0.05)

1 (0.08)


6. Dys/EUA/CPD/Mal

3 (0.2)

3 (0.3)


7. Maternal request

67 (3.9)

121 (10.5)

< 0.001*

Unable to tolerate pain

8 (0.5)

53 (4.6)

< 0.001*

Expect to terminate delivery soon

23 (1.3)

41 (3.6)

< 0.001*

Worry about foetal condition

36 (2.1)

27 (2.3)


  1. Data were presented as n (%)
  2. Abbreviations: CD caesarean delivery, Dyst dystocia, IUA inefficient uterine action, ITT inability to treat adequately with oxytocin, FI fetal intolerance, OC over contracting, PR poor response, EUA efficient uterine action, CPD cephalopelvic disproportion, Mal malposition
  3. *P value < 0.05