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Table 2 Relationship between sexual function and depression, stress and anxiety in pregnant women referred to Tabriz health centers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran (n = 437)

From: The relationship between sexual function and mental health in Iranian pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic


M (SD) a

Med (P25-P75) b

Relation to sexual function



Depression (0–21)

5.22 (4.81)

4.00 (2.00–7.00)

- 0.234

< 0.001

Stress (0–21)

5.13 (4.37)

7.00 (5.00–11.00)

- 0.203

< 0.001

Anxiety (0–21)

7.86 (4.50)

4.00 (2.00–7.00)

- 0.166


Total score of sexual function (2.0–36.0)

20.0 (8.50)

22.30 (12.50–26.60)



  1. aMean (Standard deviation)
  2. bMedian (Percentile25- Percentile75)
  3. cSpearman correlation test