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Table 3 Quotes from the participants’ free-text questions responses in the survey

From: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) management pathways: results of a Delphi survey to contextualise international recommendations for Indonesian primary care settings

First-round survey

“GPs’ tasks in HDP management include stress management, blood pressure monitoring and management, early detection for haematology, hepatic and renal disorders, and the fetal wellbeing (heartbeat, movement, growth and development). They also assist normal delivery, do postpartum management and make an appropriate, timely, and safe referral if it is needed “(Participant 15, GP).

“Nifedipine is the only medicine available in primary care for HDP” (Participant’s code 88, GP).

“ANC time provided for the patients is limited that further limits clinical procedures performed for the patients” (Participant 36, Nurse).

“More upskill training and standards on HDP management are needed, including screening tools, and further management in primary care. There should also be clear guidance on procedures offered for pregnant women before being referred to the hospitals and0 follow up procedures for women with HDP aiming to reduce HDP impact in the community” (Participant’s code 42, Nurse).

Second-round survey

“(Mild) Preeclampsia should be observed for its development to severe preeclampsia. Salt restriction diet is still advised for its potential to increase blood pressure in pregnant women. Methyldopa is also not available in primary care. We only have amlodipine 5 and 10 mg” (Participant 67, GP).

“It may be useful to involve any policy related to this standard because there is no means of this standard without any endorsing policy from the government” (Participant 85, Midwife).

Third-round survey

“The diagnosis pathway is too complicated. It should not be developed through this survey but made by experts with recent evidence” (Participant 62, Obstetrician).

“You may need to differentiate mild and severe preeclampsia and in obstetrics, we are not familiar with primary or secondary hypertension nor masked and white coat hypertension” (Participant 57, Obstetrician).

“Management of BP > 140/90 should be under specialist care at the hospitals” (Participant 40, Midwife).

“Some private practice doctors may not want to have their patients seen in a public clinic if they are a private patient. We also need to ensure patient confidentiality. So, they may not want the community leader involved” (Participant 38, Family doctor).