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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population (N = 62)

From: Maternal health care utilization and the obstetric outcomes of undocumented women in Finland – a retrospective register-based study


n (%)

Age (years)


13 (21)


28 (45)


13 (21)


8 (13)



35 (56)


22 (35)


5 (9)

Smoking a,b


48 (83)

 Continued throughout pregnancy

6 (10)

 Quit smoking when pregnant

4 (7)

Alcohol use a,b


54 (96)


2 (4)

Marital status a,b


45 (85)

 Relationship, not living together

5 (9)


3 (6)

Country of origin b

 Eastern Europe and Russia

21 (36)

 Sub-Saharan Africa

12 (20)


11 (18)

 Middle East

9 (15)

 North Africa

5 (8)

 South America

2 (3)

Reason for migration b


35 (58)


11 (18)


4 (7)


10 (17)

Reason for being in an undocumented situation a,b

 Applying for resident permit

33 (57)

 EU citizen

13 (23)

 Illegally in the country

7 (12)


2 (3)


3 (5)

  1. aMissing data excluded
  2. b n = 60. Two women were pregnant twice. Duplicate removed