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Table 1 Head circumference (HC), Abdominal circumference (AC), Femur length (FL) and Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW) values expressed as mean and SD of Z-scores according to the two different GA estimation [20, 21] and paired t-test comparison

From: The impact of optimal dating on the assessment of fetal growth


Robinson-based GA assessment

Intergrowth-based GA assessment

Within-subject differencesa: Mean (SD)

p value

Head circumference (HC)

(n = 3522)

−0.0251 (1.057)

− 0.1484 (1.056)

−0.1251 (0.075)

< 10− 4

Abdominal circumference (AC)

(n = 3522)

0.4808 (0.990)

0.3675 (0.979)

−0.1150 (0.065)

< 104

Femur length (FL)

(n = 3522)

0.5236 (1.021)

0.3989 (1.021)

−0.1267 (0.072)

< 10−4

Estimated foetal weight (EFW)

(n = 3522)

0.4424 (1.008)

0.2898 (1.005)

−0.1548 (0.090)

< 10−4

  1. a Mean (SD) for each biometric measurement were calculated by subtracting the value obtained using the Robinson dating formula from the value obtained using the Intergrowth dating formula within-person and then taking the mean and SD of these differences