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Table 1 Questions asked about adverse childhood experiences

From: Adverse childhood experiences are associated with illicit drug use among pregnant women with middle to high socioeconomic status: findings from the All Our Families Cohort

The following questions are about events that happened during YOUR childhood; that is, before 18 years of age.

Response options

1. Did you live with anyone who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal?


2. Did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?


3. Did you live with anyone who used illegal street drugs or who abused prescription medications?


4. Did you live with anyone who served time or was sentenced to serve time in prison, jail or other correctional facility?


5. Were your parents separated or divorced?


6. How often did your parents or adults in your household ever slap, hit, kick, punch or beat each other up?


7. Before age 18, how often did a parent or adult in your home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way? (Please do not include spanking)

Never/once/ more than once

8. How often did a parent or adult in your home ever swear at you, insult you, or put you down?

Never/once/ more than once

9. How often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult ever touch you sexually?

Never/once/ more than once

10. How often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult try to make you touch them sexually?

Never/once/ more than once

11. How often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult force you to have sex?

Never/once/ more than once