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Table 3 Beliefs on taking medication during pregnancy

From: Self-medication and knowledge among pregnant women attending primary healthcare services in Malang, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study

Beliefs on medication in pregnancy


(n = 333)

n (%)

All medicines can be harmful to the fetusa


84 (25.2)


61 (18.3)


188 (56.5)

It is better for the fetus that pregnant women refrain from using medicines during pregnancy, even when they were not pregnant and have illness, they would have taken medicinesa


204 (61.3)


24 (7.2)


105 (31.5)

Pregnant women have a higher threshold for using medicine when pregnant than when not pregnanta


280 (84.1)


27 (8.1)


26 (7.8)

Many unborn children are saved because the mother take medicines during pregnancy when they have illnessa


178 (53.5)


87 (26.1)


68 (20.4)

It is better for the fetus if the mother take medicines and get well than having untreated illness during pregnancya


210 (63.1)


61 (18.3)


62 (18.6)

Doctors prescribe too many medicines to pregnant womena


73 (21.9)


40 (12)


220 (66.1)

Natural remedies can generally be used by pregnant women


205 (61.6)


67 (20.1)


61 (18.3)

Pregnant women more likely to use natural remedies during pregnancy


185 (55.6)


67 (20.1)


81 (24.3)

Pregnant women should not use natural remedies without advices from any health care providers


236 (70.9)


32 (9.6)


65 (19.5)

Belief on taking medication during pregnancy (summary index from 6 items)


(n = 333)









  1. aStatement selected into a 6-item summary index