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Table 3 Options offered for Down syndrome screening in the first trimester

From: Prenatal screening in the era of non-invasive prenatal testing: a Nationwide cross-sectional survey of obstetrician knowledge, attitudes and clinical practice


Singleton Foetus

N (%)

DCDA Twins

N (%)

MCDA Twins

N (%)

Nuchal translucency (NT) alone

7 (7.4)

16 (17)

13 (13.8)

First trimester screening (FTS) comprising NT, PAPPA, bHCG)

74 (78.7)

65 (69.1)

64 (68.1)


43 (45.7)

16 (17)

29 (30.9)

NT in combination with NIPT

25 (26.6)

15 (16)

13 (13.8)

FTS in combination with NIPT

33 (35.1)

11 (11.7)

20 (21.3)


Invasive testing: 2 (2.1)

Two-step contingency testing 1 (1.7)

Invasive testing: 2 (2.1)

Invasive testing: 2 (2.1)