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Table 1 Frameworks for Differential Decision-Making. The table below summarizes the perceptions of women in each category of decision-making of the three factors in the framework outlined above

From: The influence of experiential knowledge and societal perceptions on decision-making regarding non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)





Group 1: Routinized Uptake of NIPT (n = 13)

1. Common usage for science-friendly people

2. Information as anxiety-relieving or emotionally neutral

3. Utility is preparing for a child with a disability

Group 3: Significant Consideration of NIPT Resulting in Uptake or Non-Use (n = 8)

1. Mixed usage; individual choice based on circumstances

2. Information as anxiety-relieving or emotionally neutral

3. Utility is informing termination decisions


Group 2: Automatic Dismissal of NIPT (n = 4)

1. Only use if specific risk

2. Information as anxiety-inducing

3. Utility is informing termination decisions (not willing to terminate)