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Table 2 Instrument for assessment of completeness (criteria answered with yes or no)

From: Quality of consumer-oriented websites containing information about the second trimester ultrasound examination during pregnancy

Quality criteria

Authors have formal education in health care servicesa

Material developed in collaboration with patient representatives or patient associations

Contains information that the examination is voluntary

Contains information about the possibility of deliberation before examination

Contains information about the following medical purposes of the examination:

 Calculate gestational age

 Determine number of fetuses

 Screen for fetal anomalies

 Localize placenta

 Estimate volume of amniotic fluid

Contains information about other prenatal diagnostic tests:

 Non-invasive tests (e.g. analysis of cell-free DNA, combined first-trimester screening)

 Invasive tests (e.g. amniocentesis)

Contains information that several prenatal examinations can be combined

Contains information about how the examination works

Contains information about indications for invasive prenatal tests

Contains information about ethical aspects

The information can be tailored depending on the user’s preferences and needs

Contains information about which types of fetal anomalies that can be discovered

Contains information about risks with the examination

Contains information about risks with invasive prenatal tests

Contains information about birth defectsb

Refers to additional information about birth defects

Contains information about termination of pregnancyc

Refers to additional information about termination of pregnancy

Contains information about psychosocial support before and/or after prenatal examinationd

  1. a e.g. midwife or physician; b e.g. quality of life for those living with a birth defect, medical, social and psychological consequences when living with a birth defect, support from society when living with a birth defect, and how to come in contact with associations for children with birth defects that provide peer support; c e.g. legal possibilities and which methods used for induced abortion; d e.g. how to come in contact with a social worker or psychologist