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Table 2 Associations of identified psychosocial outcomes and EmCS

From: Women’s psychosocial outcomes following an emergency caesarean section: A systematic literature review

Key psychosocial outcomes

Number of studies

Association between EmCS and psychosocial outcomes

Inconclusive associations between EmCS and psychosocial outcomes

Qualitative summary

Postpartum depression (PPD)




Studies reported inconsistent findings. The majority of studies reported no significant association (n = 7) between EmCS and PPD whereas the remaining studies reported a relationship between EmCS and increased symptoms of PPD (n = 5).

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)




All studies (n = 11) reported consistent findings that EmCS was a contributing factor to increasing post-traumatic stress symptoms and PTSD after childbirth.

Health related quality of life



Consistent findings were found across studies (n = 2) that women who had an EmCS had poorer physical functioning compared to other MoDs.

Mother infant bonding



Studies reported inconsistent findings. In n = 1 study EmCS appeared to have a negative association with mothers bonding and opening emotions with their baby. In contrast, no significant affect was found in terms of MoD on mother-infant bonding in the remaining studies (n = 2).

Infant feeding



Consistent findings were found across studies in that EmCS impacted negatively in varying ways on infant feeding (n = 3). Women who have an EmCS were more likely to have had an unsuccessful first breastfeeding attempt, were less likely to breastfed their baby within the first 24 h and upon leaving the hospital, and to breastfeed for a shorter duration of time compared to other MoDs.

Sexual function




Studies were inconsistent in their findings (n = 3) in terms of satisfaction with sexual relations after birth and sexual function postpartum.





In terms of quantitative research (n = 9), the majority of studies found that EmCS was more likely to result in a negative birth experience (n = 6), n = 1 study reported MoD had no influence on mother experiences and n = 2 studies reported that EmCS was related to positive experiences in comparison to other MoDs. In terms of the qualitative studies (n = 12) women described a wide variety of emotions as salient aspects to their EmCS experience however, a number of dominating negative experiences were consistent across all studies




Consistent findings were reported across all studies (n = 4) with women who had an EmCS more likely to appraise their deliveries less favourably than those who delivered via other MoDs.




Consistent findings were reported across all studies (n = 3). Women who had an EmCS were more likely to report feelings of emotional vulnerability after delivery including feelings of failure, regret, and lower self-esteem.




Findings were inconsistent in terms of distress after EmCS. No significant association between MoD and distress were reported in a study (n = 1), another study reported other MoD causing more distress than EmCS (n = 1), the final study reported a relationship between EmCS and distress.




Inconsistent findings were reported. With n = 1 study reporting EmCS was associated with increased fear of childbirth in subsequent pregnancies and n = 1 study reporting a correlation with fear of childbirth a few days after the operation, however this decreased one month later.


 Childbirth Burden




Women who experienced emergency surgical intervention (i.e EmCS) were more likely to demonstrate higher childbirth burden scores than any other MoD (n = 1).

 Feelings of control



Women who had a spontaneous VD reflected having a significantly higher sense of control during their labour and childbirth relative to with an instrumental VD, a planned CS, or an EmCS (n = 1).

  1. + indicates that some (or all) evidence supports a positive association
  2. - indicates that some (or all) evidence supports a negative association